Update 3.08

Monday, May 16th 2011, 23:35 GMT+10:00

by Stark

Update 3.08 is now live! New Seeker Drones from DronTech™!  Read below, and see the full changelog on the forums here.

Join channel "skyfortress"

The official in-game channel is skyfortress, feel free to hang out there and chat, discuss strategies, and organise games with likeminded people.

Seeker Drones

DroneTech™ has released their new Seeker Drone technology.  Ideal for the lonely Titan, looking for some extra range to take on those hurtful TAT's

Ultrabot Drone UpgradesSeeker Drones hover around the Titan, seeking out enemy structures.  They have a large range, just short of the TAT range, and they have very high damage.

When a structure comes into range they will launch seeker missiles to take out the target.

As with most DroneTech you will need AA weapons to take these out.  Remeber that Shield Drones will shoot your missiles out of the sky, but only until they run out of energy, so keep at it!

UltraBot & SuperTank Scaled

UltraBot was a bit lackluster after the last update, especially compared to SuperTank.  To address this UltraBot now scales better with difficulty, gaining speed and armor at higher levels.

In addition to these buffs, he now also gains 1 Seeker Drone per difficulty level starting at Medium (so 3 of them on Insane).  These give him some much needed long range capabilities, particularly now that he doesn't chase units because it was being exploited.

SuperTank will also scale his weapon now, with an increased range and rate of fire at higher difficulties.  Medium will be roughly the same as what he was in 3.07, and the scale goes from there (Easy being slightly easier, Hard being harder etc).

We will be keeping an eye on the difficulty and adjusting as needed, your feedback is very useful on things like this, so please do pop into the forums and let me know.

Other Important Changes:

More anti-griefing measures are in place, including some friendly fire abilities being changed and ramps being added to all cliffs so that the Reaper can't grief you with his Recall ability.   Will wait and see what our resident griefer (FaliureNoob) comes up with next!

TAT footprint reduced slightly.


View the full changelog here

Monday 6th June

Update 3.11 LIVE

Update Notes

The Invasion is here!

Saturday 21st May

Featured by Blizzard!

Battle for Sky Fortress is now featured by blizzard, check out their blog here.

Heroes Added!

Hero information has been added to the website.

See it here